The ENOTOUR project held its kick-off meeting this week in Vila-Seca, Tarragona. A meeting that was attended by representatives of all the institutions, associations and companies that are part of the project.

In addition to getting to know each other personally and detailing the plans and ideas that each institution has for the project, the meeting also served to lay the foundations for its development.

Enotour kick-off meeting

Through several working sessions held at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili – the university in charge of coordinating the project – we have been able to make progress in the methodology of the project, as well as in organizational and management issues.

Enotour Kick-Off meeting

Visit to Gramona: an opportunity to see first-hand the needs, problems and opportunities of wineries

In addition, one of the project’s partner companies, the Gramona winery, offered a visit to their vineyards. There we were able to see first hand the needs, problems and opportunities that exist in the wine industry at this time.

After a successful kick-off meeting, we agreed to continue working online until our next face-to-face meeting in Porto at the end of May.

Enotour Kick-Off Meeting. Visit to Gramona.

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